Diet for cholesterol: Good and Bad Cholesterol

 Diet for cholesterol: Good and Bad Cholesterol

With today's eating habits, cholesterol is proliferating in the population and is being an important risk factor that we have to take into account for our well-being.

Diet for cholesterol: Good and Bad Cholesterol

Before entering any diet for his cholesterol, we previously explained what it is and how it affects us. Cholesterol is a lipid that regulates the entry and exit of substances from the cells of the body, so it is key to good health.

It occurs naturally in the liver and there are two types of cholesterol: the first is LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins), commonly called "the bad". The second is HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins), which is commonly called "the good one".

The first, LDL, is called "the bad one", since it is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases, and to have optimal levels of this lipid, it should not exceed 100 mg / dL. On the other hand, HDL, "the good one", is a great protective active against these same diseases, and for your body to function as well as possible, levels equal to or greater than 60 mg / dL must be maintained.

What Causes High Cholesterol?

The main cause of high cholesterol levels is eating foods with high cholesterol. To this simple statement, we must add other factors that are quite important in cholesterol levels, such as genetics, sedentary lifestyle or stress.

Diet to lower cholesterol

There are many foods that help not increase your cholesterol levels, and even lower them. One of these is vegetables, especially green leafy ones. They provide numerous nutrients, especially vitamins, without providing any cholesterol. Another of these beneficial foods for our cholesterol levels is nuts. Of these, they have been shown to help lower cholesterol due to their high concentration of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Diet for cholesterol: Good and Bad Cholesterol

Oily fish are also great cholesterol lowers, which have a high concentration of omega 3, fatty acids that additionally increase the levels of good cholesterol, help maintain weight and improve brain functions. Legumes are another very useful food in the intention of reducing bad cholesterol, mainly due to its high fiber content, which helps delay the absorption of cholesterol.

Another particularly beneficial food for reducing cholesterol is garlic, one of the most active in this reduction, which also prevents the formation of blood clots and reduces blood pressure.

Diet for cholesterol: Good and Bad Cholesterol

His Avocado is another star in this practice. Including this food in our diet will result in a reduction of bad cholesterol and will favor the creation of good cholesterol. Its high content of fiber and polyunsaturated fats also help this. Finally, we find whole grains, the famous fiber containers, which delay the absorption of cholesterol.

In short, the best advice that can be given to avoid an increase in cholesterol is to take care of your diet, avoiding fried foods, and always opting for foods cooked in the oven or steamed. If you incorporate the foods that we have mentioned in this post into your diet, you will see a notable reduction in cholesterol in your body. Check it!

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