How Can we Avoid Corona Virus 2023?

 Corona Virus ( COVID-19 ) has now come to a new level, to avoid it, we also need to prepare a lot now to avoid its infection, we also have to take new methods and new precautions.

Precautions of New CoronaVirus Infections

As with measures against colds and seasonal flu, it is very important to carry out individual cough etiquette (use a mask, tissue, handkerchief, and sleeves to hold your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing) and wash your hands. is. Make efforts to prevent infectious diseases and be careful to prevent the spread of infection to the surrounding area.


What are the precautions for new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)? 

Fever, sore throat, and coughing are often prolonged (around a week), and it is characterized by complaining of strong fatigue (malaise).

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The incubation period from infection to onset is said to be 1 to 12 days (mostly 5 to 6 days).

The new coronavirus is such as sneezing or coughing "droplet infection" and, infected by touching the mouth and nose with a hand that the virus is attached "contagious" It is said that the process moves by.

Droplet infection:-The virus is released along with the droplets (sneezing, coughing, brim, etc.) of the infected person, and other people inhale the virus through their mouth or nose to become infected.

Contact infection:-After an infected person holds down sneezing or coughing with his / her hand if he/she touches something around his / her hand, the virus will be attached. When others touch it, the virus attaches to their hands, and when they touch their mouth or nose, it infects the mucous membranes.

How Can we Avoid Corona Virus 2021?

Here are some points to Avoid Corona Virus ( COVID-19 )

Measures that each person can take to prevent infection and spread

 When you get home, wash your hands.

First of all, hand washing is important. Before and after the return home or when cooking away from home, diligently soap and alcohol, such as prior to a meal, such as Le disinfection Wash your hands with.

 If you have symptoms such as coughing, wear a mask.

If you hold down a cough or sneeze with your hand, the virus will adhere to what you touch and you may get sick through the doorknob, so do cough etiquette.

 Avoid going out when not necessary and avoid crowds.

If you have a chronic illness or are elderly, please be careful, such as avoiding crowded places as much as possible. 

Things to keep in mind before the consultation

If you have a cold symptom such as fever(high temperature), take a break from school or work and refrain from going out.

If you have a cold symptom such as fever(high temperature), measure and record your body temperature every day.

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